Oh, Big Baby Gandhi has released a new mixtape called 27. This track with the questionable title starts with an outtake from a Donald Trump speach.

I admire creativity. Music that I really like usually have at least some novel element in it. The music suggested by the streaming services algorithms doesn't do much good in that regard. It's mostly similar to stuff I already heard. So by following artists, and labels, and getting tips from friends I manage to discover some new sounds every now and then. New to me that is, it may not be new to everyone. Anyway, I figured I should share my discoveries here.
torsdag 28 september 2017
fredag 22 september 2017
tisdag 19 september 2017
måndag 18 september 2017
Pessimist - Spirals
Make sure you have speakers or headphones that can reproduce low frequencies. This is like the soundtrack of a nightmare.
From Pessimist's selftitled album released a few months back.
tisdag 12 september 2017
Mount Kimbie Blue Train Lines
From the new album Love What Survives. To be honest it may be King Krule who makes this track good. The album over all isn't as convincing, but maybe it will grow.