I admire creativity. Music that I really like usually have at least some novel element in it. The music suggested by the streaming services algorithms doesn't do much good in that regard. It's mostly similar to stuff I already heard. So by following artists, and labels, and getting tips from friends I manage to discover some new sounds every now and then. New to me that is, it may not be new to everyone. Anyway, I figured I should share my discoveries here.
tisdag 29 maj 2018
måndag 28 maj 2018
Goat - Let it burn
Goat is an increadibly energetic experience in live concerts. Usually their recorded material is good too, but far from the live encounter. On "Let it burn" they managed to get a bit closer to the raw sound of their gigs.
söndag 20 maj 2018
Sun Dial - White Stone
Sun Dial has been going on since the early nineties. Their, mostly instrumental, psychedelic rock may have been out of fashion for many of those years. Anyway, it will be interesting to hear their album "Science fiction" when released in june.
fredag 18 maj 2018
Molly Brazy - Even The Odds
Molly Brazy is a new acquaintance. Straightforward, energetic rap out of Detroit. Very nice.
torsdag 17 maj 2018
The Boy Illinois - Othello
Finally some fresh music that hits a nerve. Illi with a short but dense track.
tisdag 1 maj 2018
Vince The Messenger - Dominos
Nice, slightly off-center, track from Canadian rapper Vince The Messenger.